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  • Quality

    At Feltex Co.,Ltd we invest in high-quality people and processes so we can confidently provide high-quality products. Our customers deserve nothing less than our best effort!
  • Honesty & Integrity

    Integrity is the foundation for everything we do. We are admired and respected for our commitment to honesty, trust, and transparency. We do the right thing — even when no one is watching.
  • Take Ownership

    We are accountable for ourselves, our colleagues, our clients and our company.
  • Commitment

    We are committed to our customers, employees, and shareholders to remain profitable. This means using our time, knowledge, and money wisely and efficiently.
  • Pursue Diversity

    Different views and experiences are advantages. Our global presence gives us perspectives that drive better business
  • Exceed Expectations

    We understand our colleagues’ and clients’ needs and always exceed expectations.
  • Continuous Development

    We are passionate about learning and seek to constantly improve and innovate. We are not afraid to make mistakes. We learn from others and from our challenges & successes
ISO: 2015 Certified Certified with lastest quality standard
Certificate of Approval Continuous update
Certificate of Approval STR 5CV Laboratory Certification